Premium Programmatic Ads Service
Embrace the future of advertising with Hellenic Technologies, the official ambassador of Ringier Programmatic Ads in Greece. If you are a publisher upgrade from Adsense to Programmatic Ads to uplift your revenue and if you are an Advertiser enhance your ad campaigns with Programmatic Ads to match with a highly targeted audience.

Balancing Risk and Reward
Often, there’s a challenge in finding the time to thoroughly test all available solutions, primarily due to uncertainty and the absence of a guaranteed setup.
It’s crucial to understand that once daily programmatic revenue is lost, it’s an irreversible setback.
Potential technical problems can not only affect revenue but also impact non-revenue key performance indicators (KPIs) like SEO position and bounce rate.
Improper implementation, especially concerning regulations like GDPR, can put websites at risk.
Lack of transparency can conceal poor results, hindering effective decision-making.
Inadequate advertising setups on webpages can result in a dual problem: a subpar user experience that discourages return visits and insufficient monetization, leading to revenue loss.

For media groups, these challenges are somewhat mitigated by establishing dedicated data and programmatic departments, allowing them to filter and select suitable partners based on their experience. However, mid and small publishers often find this ad tech ecosystem unmanageable. They may either take no action or make ill-advised partner choices, both of which can harm their business. Ultimately, results and performance are paramount, and the path publishers choose to navigate daily challenges matters less as long as they can effectively address them.
Programmatic Monetization Services
We are dedicated to delivering cutting-edge ad serving technologies to our clients, empowering them to harness the full potential of both programmatic/automated advertising and direct orders. Our services include comprehensive support for rich media formats, customizable tracking solutions for end clients, and precise performance monitoring.
Our offering extends to a transparent and efficient header bidding infrastructure stack, complemented by relevant vendors tailored to your specific market. This ensures that your Open Market advertising stack remains technologically up-to-date at all times.
Leveraging our strong market position and considerable negotiation prowess, we offer seamless integration of Publishers with our own Direct Deals. These deals bring added value by providing fixed CPM rates set at higher values than what buyers typically offer in the Open Market.
We prioritize delivering your video content at the highest possible quality, enhancing the value proposition for your users. Beyond content management capabilities, we have developed a sophisticated ad delivery method to ensure optimal video monetization.
In the rapidly evolving realm of user tracking, setups undergo constant changes. Stay ahead by effectively identifying your audience while still upholding essential levels of privacy and control for your readers. Create new value chains by reaching your audience across all domains and devices, all without depending on cookies.
Our optimization approach consists of two pillars: Automatic and Manual. Automatic optimization deploys appropriate technologies for each opportunity, maximizing RPM on your available traffic. Manual optimization capitalizes on our expertise to tailor technology to each website, ensuring that page load and performance indicators remain unaffected when implementing ad-tech solutions.

Legal Data Protection Services
Minimize Unseen Risks Caused by Inadequate User Consent Management
Every vendor purchasing your media space must adhere to EU data protection legislation, including GDPR and Schrems II. They are obligated to store data within the EU, and it’s essential to ensure that user privacy is respected in your interactions with these vendors. Contracts and other binding documents must comprehensively outline the data processing activities performed by vendors on your web pages and clarify responsibility for these processes.
To comply with GDPR, the Consent Management Platform (CMP) solution you adopt must effectively communicate user preference selections to all vendors within your advertising stack. Publishers must ensure that consensus is accurately distributed to all involved parties at the appropriate time to avoid jeopardizing revenue, whether through non-targeted advertising or latency issues resulting from CMP failures.
Despite setting up your CMP correctly and documenting data processing, vendors often place cookies that conflict with user privacy and tracking preferences. Changes in vendors’ monetization setups can occur without notice, leading to the placement of cookies contrary to user consent. Continuous monitoring of cookie placement on your web pages is necessary, and swift action should be taken upon detecting unauthorized changes.
It’s imperative to declare all cookie and privacy-related operations to users as required by regulations. Keeping this information up-to-date ensures transparency for your audience, enabling them to clearly understand how their generated data is handled across your assets.

Here’s why making the switch from Adsense to Programmatic Ads is a smart business move:
Ringier’s programmatic ads use sophisticated algorithms and real-time data for precise audience targeting, leading to more personalized and relevant ads. This results in better user engagement and higher conversion rates.
Gain access to premium ad inventories exclusive to Ringier. These high-quality ads offer better rates than standard AdSense ads, enhancing both user experience and profitability.
Programmatic ads often command higher prices due to their targeted nature, enabling publishers to enjoy increased revenue from their ad spaces.
Ringier constantly analyzes and adjusts ad performance in real-time, ensuring that the most effective and profitable ads are consistently displayed on your site.
Enjoy a fully managed service where Ringier’s specialists handle everything from setup to optimization. This seamless service includes access to a live report that updates every 24 hours, ensuring a hassle-free advertising experience.
Ringier’s total fees, encompassing management, platform, and ad network fees, are only 25% of the ad revenue, which is more favorable than the 30% taken by Google AdSense. This means more earnings go directly to you. Be aware that our payment terms are NET60, compared to AdSense’s NET30, to ensure accurate collection of funds from our diverse range of programmatic advertisers. We require a minimum commitment of two months in order programmatic ads have the time to be optimized.

Advertisers: Upgrade Your Ad Campaigns with Precision-Driven Programmatic Advertising
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, programmatic advertising emerges as a game-changer, leveraging the power of technology to revolutionize how ad campaigns are run. By integrating with top-tier Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) like Google DV360, The Trade Desk, and MediaMath, as well as engaging with premium Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs) and Ad Networks, we provide a comprehensive solution that catapults your advertising strategies into a new era of efficiency and effectiveness.
Programmatic advertising transcends traditional digital ad buying methods. It harnesses advanced algorithms and real-time data analytics to target audiences with unparalleled precision. This means your ads reach the right people at the right time, significantly boosting engagement and conversion rates. As a result, every dollar you invest works harder, ensuring a higher return on investment (ROI).
Why Programmatic Advertising is the Optimal Choice for Advertisers:

Everything you need to know about Programmatic Advertising
In the intricate landscape of programmatic advertising, where DSPs, SSPs, DMPs, and RTB operate at lightning speed, it’s clear that expertise plays a crucial role. This complexity can be overwhelming, and that’s where the collaborative power of Hellenic Technologies and Ringier comes into play. Together, they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, making the programmatic ad ecosystem more accessible and effective for both publishers and advertisers.
For publishers, the partnership means increased revenue potential. Hellenic Technologies’ and Ringiers’ team of seasoned programmatic ad experts ensures that ad placements are optimized to generate higher earnings. Additionally, by precisely targeting the right audience, publishers can enhance both the user experience and profitability.
On the advertiser’s side, the benefits are equally significant. With the expertise of Hellenic Technologies and Ringier, advertisers can laser-target their prospects. This means crafting campaigns that reach the right people, at the right time, with the right message. It’s a recipe for maximizing the impact of advertising efforts and achieving better results.
In essence, this collaboration between Hellenic Technologies and Ringier simplifies the complexities of programmatic advertising. It ensures that publishers can thrive by increasing revenue, while advertisers can achieve their goals by connecting with their target audience more effectively. It’s a win-win scenario that highlights the importance of having vetted programmatic ad experts in the rapidly evolving world of digital advertising.
Imagine you have a bunch of really cool stickers to give away. But, you don’t want to just give them to anyone; you want to give them to friends who will really love and appreciate them. Programmatic ads work a bit like that.
When companies have ads (like your cool stickers), they want to show them to people who will be most interested in what they’re advertising. To find the right people, they use a special kind of computer magic called programmatic advertising.
This ‘computer magic’ is like a super-smart robot that knows which people will like certain things. For example, if someone loves reading about space and stars, the robot will show them ads about space books or telescopes instead of ads about soccer balls or paint sets.
So, programmatic ads are a way for companies to make sure their ads reach the right people, the ones who are most likely to find them interesting and fun. It’s like making sure every sticker finds a home where it will be cherished!
Think of a big toy store where lots of toys are for sale. Programmatic buying and selling are like two sides of this toy store.
Programmatic Buying: This is like when you go to the toy store to buy a toy. Imagine you have a special helper robot with you. This robot knows exactly what kind of toys you like. So, instead of looking at every single toy in the store, the robot quickly finds the perfect toy for you. That’s what programmatic buying does. It’s like having a smart helper that quickly picks out the best ads (toys) for a company to show to people.
Programmatic Selling: Now, imagine you’re on the other side, and you’re the one selling toys in the store. You have lots of different toys, and you want to make sure each toy goes to a kid who will really love it. Here, your helper robot knows which kids will like which toys. So, it shows the right toys to the right kids. That’s like programmatic selling. It helps people who have ads (the toy sellers) find the best people to show their ads to.
So, in short, programmatic buying is like using a smart helper to find and buy the best ads, and programmatic selling is like using a smart helper to find the best people to show and sell ads to. Both use smart robots to make sure every ad finds the perfect person to see it, just like every toy finds the perfect kid to play with it!
Imagine you have a magic book that can find any toy in the world for you. You just have to tell the book what kind of toy you’re looking for, and it finds it for you super fast. A DSP, or Demand-Side Platform, is like that magic book, but for ads instead of toys.
When someone who has something to sell (like a new video game or a cool bicycle) wants to show an ad for it, they use a DSP. For example, Google Ads (which used to be called Google AdWords) is a DSP. It’s like a very famous magic book that lots of people use. There are other popular DSPs too, like MediaMath, The Trade Desk, and Adobe Advertising Cloud.
These DSPs work like magic books. They use computer magic to quickly find the best places on the internet where those ads should go. So, the bike ad will pop up for kids who love to ride bikes, and the video game ad will show up for kids who are interested in space aliens. This way, the ads go to people who will find them really interesting and fun!
So, in short, a DSP is like a magical helper for people who want to show ads. It helps them find the best place to put their ads so the right people can see them and say, “Wow, that’s cool!
Imagine you’ve made a bunch of beautiful paintings and you want to hang them in a gallery where lots of people can see and appreciate them. An SSP, or Supply-Side Platform, is like a special gallery that finds the best places to show your paintings.
An SSP works for people who have spaces for ads, like websites or apps. These people want to make sure they put the right ads on their website or app, just like you’d want the right paintings in your gallery. Some popular SSPs are like famous galleries. For example, there’s Google Ad Manager (which is like a big, famous gallery), Rubicon Project, PubMatic, and OpenX.
These SSPs use computer magic to show ads that people visiting the website or using the app will like and want to see. They find companies who want to put their ads in these spaces and help the website or app owner pick the best ads to show. It’s like if your gallery knew exactly who would love each painting and put them in the perfect spot where those people could see them.
So, an SSP is like a helper for people who have space for ads. It helps them fill their space with ads that are good for their website or app and interesting for the people who visit them, just like a gallery that knows the best paintings to display for the people who come to see them!
Imagine you have a giant treasure chest filled with different kinds of puzzle pieces. Each piece tells something special about your friends, like their favorite color, game, or ice cream flavor. A DMP, or Data Management Platform, is like this treasure chest, but instead of puzzle pieces, it collects and sorts information about what people like and do online.
A DMP helps companies understand what kinds of things people are interested in. For example, some people might like watching cartoons, while others like reading about space. Companies use a DMP to collect and organize this information, so they know what kinds of things people like and can make better games, shows, or ads for them.
Some popular DMPs are like big, smart libraries that keep lots of information organized. There’s Adobe Audience Manager, which is really good at understanding what people like. Then there’s Oracle BlueKai, Salesforce DMP, and Lotame, which are also like smart libraries keeping track of what people enjoy.
These DMPs help companies by organizing all the information they have about what people like, so they can make cooler and more interesting things for them. It’s like knowing exactly what kind of birthday present your friend would love because you understand what they enjoy the most!
So, a DMP is like a magical chest or a smart library that helps companies understand people better by keeping track of their interests and likes, just like how you keep track of what your friends enjoy.
Imagine you’re playing a super fast auction game with your friends. In this game, everyone has toys to sell, and at the same time, everyone wants to buy toys. When a toy is up for sale, everyone who wants it shouts their price at the same time, and the one who offers the best price gets the toy. This all happens really, really quickly – like in a blink of an eye!
RTB, or Real-Time Bidding, is like this fast auction game, but instead of toys, it’s for ads on the internet. When a website has a space for an ad, it’s like the toy that’s up for sale. Many different advertisers (like the players in the game) want to show their ad in that space. So, they all use their computers to bid – to offer a price – for putting their ad in that space. This bidding happens super fast, in milliseconds (which is even quicker than a blink of an eye!).
The advertiser who offers the best price for that ad space wins, and their ad is shown on the website. This is really cool because it means that the website gets a good price for their ad space, and the advertiser who wins gets to show their ad to people who might really like it.
So, RTB is like a super speedy auction for buying and selling ad spaces on websites, where everything happens super fast, and the best offer wins the space for their ad!